You are into a good thing

by Harry Kang

Hi Eric,

There must be many out there who wish they can start afresh. Do something completely different. Move away from what is familiar. But it is never easy to get out of our comfort zones.

But I think you have found something you enjoy doing in a place you are comfortable with. You have found that "treasure at the end of the rainbow". There are many who do not know what to do with their lives and consequently remain unhappy. They grow old and miserable and tend to make others miserable too.

I think the key to us finding happiness is to focus not on ourselves but on how we can add meaning to the lives of others. I am sure what you are doing is giving joy to many.

The fact that you are getting positive responses from those who have read your website is proof. And because you are doing something you enjoy, you must surely find a lot of satisfaction doing it.

So in my view, you are into a good thing.


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