Greetings from Singapore

by Jessica

Singaporean here! Just wanted to say you write very well! If only your dad saw that you could've made money from your skill haha!

Nonetheless your website and back story are both very inspiring - even if I'm about 30 years from retiring haha!

So just wanted to wish you well, and tell you that I enjoy your writing, and hope you are doing well.

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Greetings from Nakhon Pathom
by: Eric Lim

Dear Jessica,

Thank you very much for your e-mail and your comments in our guestbook. I'm glad you enjoyed reading our website.

Dad is still right, what am I going to eat? Back in his days, if nobody bought the books, at least there was paper to chew on as a source of fiber.

Today with e-books, there's nothing to chew on! 😊😊

All the best to you in your career in the Year of the Tiger. Stay safe and well.

Eric Lim
Bangkok Travelbug

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